passing off / pæs, pɑs /


passing off4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to move past; go by: to pass another car on the road.
  2. to let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook: Pass chapter two and go on to chapter three.
  3. to omit the usual or regular payment of: The company decided to pass its dividend in the third quarter of the year.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to go or move onward; proceed.
  2. to come to or toward, then go beyond: to pass by a shop; to pass through town.
  3. to go away; depart: The dizzy feeling will pass in a minute.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act of passing.
  2. a narrow route across a relatively low notch or depression in a mountain barrier.
  3. a road, channel, or other way providing a means of passage, as through an obstructed region or other barrier.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. pass along / through to add to the amount charged a client or customer: Airlines were passing along the sudden increase in fuel prices.
  2. pass away, to cease; end: All this trouble will pass die: He passed away during the night.
  3. pass for / as to be accepted as; be considered: material that passed for silk;The candidate could pass as Latino or Anglo, appealing to both constituencies.

passing off 近义词

v. 动词 verb

give because one does not want it

passing off 的近义词 7
passing off 的反义词 2

passing off构成的短语

  • pass away
  • pass by
  • pass for
  • pass muster
  • pass off
  • pass on
  • pass one's lips
  • pass out
  • pass over
  • pass the buck
  • pass the hat
  • pass the time
  • pass the torch
  • pass through one's mind
  • pass up
  • pass with flying colors
  • bring about (to pass)
  • come about (to pass)
  • cross (pass through) one's mind
  • head someone off (at the pass)
  • in passing
  • make (take) a pass at
  • ships that pass in the night

更多passing off例句

  1. San Francisco was the first city to pass one in 2006; since then, 14 other cities and three states have followed suit.
  2. Congress is attempting to pass the buck on federal funding for education.
  3. “They just walk around, they ride in their patrol cars, and they just pass by,” he said.
  4. Typically, aircraft will work in pairs where the flight lead will make an initial pass to mark a target with rockets.
  5. He goes into some detail into what it took to persuade voters to pass marriage equality at the ballot box in four states in 2012.
  6. Let the thought of self pass in, and the beauty of great action is gone, like the bloom from a soiled flower.
  7. The riches of the unjust shall be dried up like a river, and shall pass away with a noise like a great thunder in rain.
  8. But men, through neglecting the rules of health, pass quickly to old age, and die before reaching that term.
  9. Madame and myself had just been regretting that we should have to pass the evening in this miserable hole of a town.
  10. He shall pass into strange countries: for he shall try good and evil among men.